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What’s New in Qlik Cloud – July 2024

What’s New in Qlik Cloud – July 2024

This month’s updates in Qlik Cloud include Context Menu for Visualisations and On-Demand Tabular Reporting to mention a few. In the Data Integration area, the updates focus on improving the performance and reliability of data replication processes. Read on to learn more about the new additions in July.

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What was new at Qlik Connect?

What was new at Qlik Connect?

A couple of weeks after returning home from Qlik Connect in Orlando it’s time to summarize all the impressions from the conference. Our BI Manager and Qlik Partner Ambassador Olof Malmström shares the highlights.

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Qlik a Leader in the 2024 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Data Analytics and Business Intelligence

Qlik a Leader in the 2024 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Data Analytics and Business Intelligence

Get your free copy for an overview of the entire Data Analytics and BI landscape and see why Qlik is recognised as a Leader in the Magic Quadrant for 14 years straight.

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What’s New in Qlik Cloud – June 2024

What’s New in Qlik Cloud – June 2024

In addition to all the news announced at Qlik Connect earlier this month, Qlik has also made a number of enhancements in Qlik Cloud. This month’s updates span across automation, visualisation, and data preparation, ensuring you have the tools you need to maximise efficiency and insight.

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Qlik Connect Orlando 2024 – A Legend’s Take

Qlik Connect Orlando 2024 – A Legend’s Take

We’re bringing you the latest insights and highlights from the Qlik Connect event in Orlando. AI was certainly the hot topic at Qlik Connect this year, including announcements on the latest products Qlik Answers and Qlik Talend Cloud.

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Webinar: Varför ska ni byta till Qlik Cloud Analytics?
Event, On-Demand Webinar

Webinar: Varför ska ni byta till Qlik Cloud Analytics?

Det snabba svaret är: För att ni får en modern, säker, snabb och hållbar plattform – fullspäckad med ny funktionalitet. Vill du ha ett lite mer utförligt svar? Spana in vårt 30 minuters webinar på en tid som passar dig.

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What’s New in Qlik Cloud – May 2024

What’s New in Qlik Cloud – May 2024

This month’s updates include enhancements to the Amazon connectors, usability and support of Qlik Cloud functionality, and more details around writing inline load statements. This will be a great aid to any novice Qlik script developers. Check out all the news in Qlik Cloud in this blog post to stay ahead!

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Webinar: Vägen till AI med Qlik AutoML
Event, On-Demand Webinar

Webinar: Vägen till AI med Qlik AutoML

Nyfiken på Qlik AutoML och hur det kan hjälpa dig att jobba smartare? Spana in vårt 30 minuters webinar på en tid som passar dig. Du får också svar på frågor kring hur du kommer igång och vad du behöver tänka på.

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Planacys årliga rapport: TSOCFP 2024

Planacys årliga rapport: TSOCFP 2024

Planacy har släppt 2024 upplagan av ”The State of  Corporate Financial Planning”. En kartläggning, analys och trendspaning av svenska företag och verksamheters arbete med finansiell planering.

>> Ladda ner rapporten här!
What’s New in Qlik Cloud – April 2024

What’s New in Qlik Cloud – April 2024

This month you will find out about new releases in Qlik Cloud Data Integration for the Data Movement Gateway, new SaaS application connectors, and a new data connection interface. In the analytics world, you will find enhancements to reporting, app styling, and administration.

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What’s New in Qlik Cloud – March 2024

What’s New in Qlik Cloud – March 2024

Want to stay up to date with the latest enhancements on the Qlik Cloud Platform? Then visit this monthly blog to learn about the top 10 updates within the Data Analytics and Data Integration area and how you can use these new features in your daily work.

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Data for Breakfast Stockholm 2024

Data for Breakfast Stockholm 2024

Start your day the easy way — with AI. Join us for a morning of insights, learn how to set a data strategy to unlock AI innovation at this Snowflake event on March 13th in Stockholm.

>> Sign up today!
Ontrack – En resa från QlikView till Qlik Cloud Analytics via Climber MQS

Ontrack – En resa från QlikView till Qlik Cloud Analytics via Climber MQS

Ontrack startade sin resa redan 2019. Läs hur vi, via Managed Qlik Services by Climber, tog dem till Qlik Cloud Analytics där de nu landat i nya sätt att interagera med sina kunder

>> Läs mer om projektet här
Qlik Partner Ambassadors of 2024

Qlik Partner Ambassadors of 2024

Qlik has announced their Partner Ambassadors of 2024! We’re super proud to have Olof Malmström among them for the third consecutive year. Read Olof’s thoughts on why this is an honorable and important assignment.

>> Read more here!
Med Qlik Sense började Asics fatta datadrivna beslut

Med Qlik Sense började Asics fatta datadrivna beslut

Läs hur vi hjälpt ASICS att strukturera sin data och möjliggjort för anställda på alla nivåer att fatta datadrivna beslut!

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