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Qlik a Leader in the 2024 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Data Analytics and Business Intelligence

Qlik a Leader in the 2024 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Data Analytics and Business Intelligence

Get your free copy for an overview of the entire Data Analytics and BI landscape and see why Qlik is recognised as a Leader in the Magic Quadrant for 14 years straight.

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Planacys årliga rapport: TSOCFP 2024

Planacys årliga rapport: TSOCFP 2024

Planacy har släppt 2024 upplagan av ”The State of  Corporate Financial Planning”. En kartläggning, analys och trendspaning av svenska företag och verksamheters arbete med finansiell planering.

>> Ladda ner rapporten här!
Ontrack – En resa från QlikView till Qlik Cloud Analytics via Climber MQS

Ontrack – En resa från QlikView till Qlik Cloud Analytics via Climber MQS

Ontrack startade sin resa redan 2019. Läs hur vi, via Managed Qlik Services by Climber, tog dem till Qlik Cloud Analytics där de nu landat i nya sätt att interagera med sina kunder

>> Läs mer om projektet här
Qlik Partner Ambassadors of 2024

Qlik Partner Ambassadors of 2024

Qlik has announced their Partner Ambassadors of 2024! We’re super proud to have Olof Malmström among them for the third consecutive year. Read Olof’s thoughts on why this is an honorable and important assignment.

>> Read more here!
Med Qlik Sense började Asics fatta datadrivna beslut

Med Qlik Sense började Asics fatta datadrivna beslut

Läs hur vi hjälpt ASICS att strukturera sin data och möjliggjort för anställda på alla nivåer att fatta datadrivna beslut!

>> Läs mer om projektet här
PostNord hjälper företagskunder öka försäljningen genom ökad kundkännedom

PostNord hjälper företagskunder öka försäljningen genom ökad kundkännedom

Med Qlik Sense och bättre beslutsunderlag om konsumenternas behov och beteenden hjälper PostNord sina företagskunder att öka försäljningen.

>> Läs mer om projektet här
Qlik and Talend Leaders in the 2023 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Data Integration Tools

Qlik and Talend Leaders in the 2023 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Data Integration Tools

Looking for a Data Integration solution? With the ever-changing cloud and technology landscape, it can be challenging to find the right data solution for your needs. Read the 2023 Gartner Magic Quadrant report for Data Integration Tools for a quick view of the landscape and see why both Qlik and Talend have been named Leaders.

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Digia acquires Top of Minds

Digia acquires Top of Minds

21 September 2023: Digia reinforces its position as a Northern European Powerhouse in Data Analytics by acquiring Top of Minds, a Swedish IT consulting and service company. Top of Minds has expertise in both modern data analytics and classic data warehousing, front end analytics, and integration – a perfect combination with Climber’s offering.

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Qlik in 2023 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Analytics and Business Intelligence Platforms

Qlik in 2023 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Analytics and Business Intelligence Platforms

Get your free copy for an overview of the entire BI landscape and see why Qlik is recognized as a Leader in the Quadrant for the 13th year in a row.

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Förenklad finansiell budget och prognos för Panduro med Planacy och Qlik

Förenklad finansiell budget och prognos för Panduro med Planacy och Qlik

Panduro implementerade budget- och prognosverktyget Planacy, för att förenkla och effektivisera sin finansiella budget- och prognosprocess. Med hjälp av Planacy och Qlik har Panduro fått en mer strömlinjeformad helhet. Den nya lösningen eliminerar en stor del av de tidigare riskerna, samtidigt som den underlättar arbetet för de involverade i bolagets budgetarbete.

>> Läs mer om projektet här
Qlik in the 2022 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Data Integration Tools

Qlik in the 2022 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Data Integration Tools

Looking for a Data Integration Solution? With the ever-changing cloud and technology landscape, it can be challenging to find the right data solution. Read the 2022 Gartner MQ report for Data Integration Tools for a quick view of the landscape and see why Qlik has been recognised for the seventh year in a row. Get your copy here!

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Qlik a leader in the 2022 Gartner Magic Quadrant

Qlik a leader in the 2022 Gartner Magic Quadrant

Download the Gartner Magic Quadrant 2022 report to easier compare BI tools. Get an overview of the analytics market ― discover what makes Qlik a 12 year consecutive MQ Leader in Analytics and BI platforms.

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Qlik is planning to go public again

Qlik is planning to go public again

January 6th, 2022: Our partner Qlik has announced that it’s planning on becoming a publicly traded company once again, six years after it was acquired by private equity firm Thoma Bravo. Qlik has submitted a draft registration with the the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission related to an initial public offering.

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BARC’s BI & Analytics Survey 22 – Qlik the top choice for BI users

BARC’s BI & Analytics Survey 22 – Qlik the top choice for BI users

BARC’s BI & Analytics Survey gives you a good picture of what the users consider to be important in a BI product. In the 2022 edition, Qlik Sense is top ranked in Business Value and six more KPIs, based on the feedback from 2 500 real-world BI users.

>> Learn more and download the report
Solasys becomes part of Digia

Solasys becomes part of Digia

September 1st, 2021: We’re excited to announce that our parent company, the Finnish Data Utilisation Powerhouse Digia Plc has joined forces with Solasys Oy, a data management expert established in 2002. This acquisition is part of Digia’s Next Level strategy and will strengthen our Qlik expertise.

>> Learn more about the merge here!